Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Social Security Act APUSH Topics to Study for Test Day

When you think about important legislation from the New Deal, the Social Security Act is likely one of the top contenders. For the APUSH exam, you will need to know what this act was all about. Keep reading for an overview of this important piece of legislation. What was the Social Security Act? FDR signing the Social Security Act. Before I can answer that question, I have to give a little bit of background. We likely all know about Black Thursday – that infamous moniker given to the Wall Street Crash on October 24, 1929 that set off the Great Depression. Prior to the crash, speculation was running rampant (the Roaring Twenties were a time of excess); this speculation is now largely to blame as one of the most important causes of the Depression. Simultaneously, the Dust Bowl was increasingly devastating to the Great Plains. Many Americans were hurting financially. And here enters FDR, who was elected in 1932 based on his promises to help the common man. In his first 100 days, he enacted sweeping legislation that ended Prohibition, and began the â€Å"alphabet soup† programs of the New Deal. Later on in his presidency, in 1935, FDR began the second New Deal; the Social Security Act is one of the landmark pieces of legislation in that second New Deal. What did the Social Security Act do? The Social Security Act offered what is called a safety net; it ensured that once an individual reached the age of retirement, they would receive some sort of compensation. The model works so that younger workers pay into the system while older retirees receive the benefits. This video gives a bit of background as to what the Social Security Act can tell us about other New Deal legislation. Source here. Well, that sounds sweet! Why is Social Security so controversial? The point of this blog post isn’t to get into why Social Security in its current form is so controversial; instead, I will give you some insight into why the Social Security Act was controversial at the time. 1. The Social Security Act largely excluded African Americans. Because of the language in the Social Security Act of 1935, sharecroppers and domestics (maids, cooks) were left out of the benefits to be received when they reached retirement age. African Americans disproportionately were represented in these two fields; in effect, the Social Security Act did nothing to help them in old age. 2. The Social Security Act represented a misuse of government power. I will let the following primary source, from an anonymous woman and written to the First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, explain this position. - no address Jan 18, 1937 Dear Mrs. Roosevelt, I was simply astounded to think that anyone could be nitwit enough to wish to be included in the so-called social security act if they could possibly avoid it. Call it by any name you wish, but it is, in my opinion (and that of many people I know), nothing but downright stealing. Personally, I had my savings invested so that I would have enough money for old age. Now thanks to the President, I cannot be sure of anything, being a stockholder. After business has survived his merciless attacks (if it does), insurance will probably be no good either. Believe me, the only thing we want from the president is for him to balance the budget and reduce taxes. I am not an â€Å"economic royalist,† just an ordinary white-collar worker at $1600 per year. Please show this to the president and ask him to remember the wishes of the forgotten man, that is, the one who dared to vote against him. We expect to be tramped on but we do wish the stepping would be a little less hard. Security at the price of freedom is never desired by intelligent people. Excerpt from a letter sent to Eleanor Roosevelt by an anonymous woman, January 18, 1937. Source here. - Individuals felt like the government was stepping into what had previously been the purview of the private sector. What kinds of questions will I be asked about the Social Security Act on the APUSH exam? The short answer question below will ask you to compare two historians’ arguments. â€Å"Undoubtedly social security deserves the appellation â€Å"revolutionary†it brought government into the lives of people as nothing had since the draft and the income tax No longer in urban America could the old folks, whose proportion in the society was steadily increasing, count on being taken in by their offspring as had been customary in a more agrarian world. Besides, such a makeshift arrangement was scarcely satisfying to the self-respect of the oldsters. With the transformation of the economy by industrialization, most Americans had become helpless before the vagaries of the business cycle. As a consequence of the social forces which were steadily augmenting social insecurity, only collective action by the government could arrest the drift.† Carl N. Degler, The Third American Revolution, in Out of Our Past: The Forces that Shaped Modern America, 1959 â€Å"The liberal reforms of the New Deal did not transform the American system; they conserved and protected American corporate capitalism, occasionally by absorbing parts of threatening programs. There was no significant redistribution of power in American society, only limited recognition of other organized groups. . . . The New Deal failed to solve the problem of depression, it failed to raise the impoverished, it failed to redistribute income, it failed to extend equality and generally countenanced racial discrimination and segregation.† Barton Bernstein, The Conservative Achievements of Liberal Reform, in Towards a New Past,1968 Answer (a), (b), and (c) (a) Give ONE event from history that supports Degler’s interpretation of the Social Security Act (b) Give ONE event from history that supports Bernstein’s interpretation of the Social Security Act (c) What was ONE implication of the Social Security Act? Possible Responses: (a) The sweeping legislation of the Second New Deal was a revolutionary moment in US history; before that time, the government was not nearly as involved in the economy. (b) The Social Security Act did not transform the American economy, as further panics and recessions would show. In fact, without the production boom required for World War II, the strength of the U.S. economy would likely have remained low. (c) The Social Security Act made the government an economic actor in an unprecedented way in the United States.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Trámites para solicitar el asilo político en EE.UU.

Solicitar y obtener el asilo polà ­tico permite que personas extranjeras puedan quedarse a vivir en Estados Unidos y ganar estatus legal. Con el paso del tiempo puede obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente –green card– y despuà ©s, si se desea, la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense. Sin embargo, una nueva polà ­tica anunciada por el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump y con fecha de entrada en vigor del 16 de julio de 2019 limita grandemente quià ©nes pueden solicitar asilo en la frontera terrestre que separa Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico, como se explica mà ¡s abajo. Causas para solicitar el asilo en Estados Unidos Puede solicitar asilo polà ­tico cualquier persona que teme, con fundamento, que pueda ser perseguida o ya ha sufrido persecucià ³n por razà ³n de: su razanacionalidadreligià ³nopinià ³n polà ­ticapor pertenecer a un determinado grupo social Si no se cumple con ninguna de estas causas, todavà ­a hay otras opciones migratorias para las và ­ctimas de: asalto sexualviolencia que califica para la visa Utrà ¡fico humano (visa T)violencia domà ©stica por ley que se conoce como VAWAprograma SIJ para nià ±os y jà ³venes solteros menores de 21 aà ±os que sufren abuso, negligencia o abandono. Dà ³nde y cuà ¡ndo se solicita el asilo Para solicitar el asilo es requisito imprescindible que el solicitante se encuentre presencia en Estados Unidos o en una de sus fronteras. Sin embargo, a partir del 16 de julio de 2019 todos los migrantes que se presentan en la frontera terrestre de Estados Unidos con Mà ©xico y solicitan asilo serà ¡n rechazados, excepto en dos excepciones. En primer lugar, se aceptarà ¡ la peticià ³n de asilo de aquellos migrantes que puedan demostrar que pidieron asilo en al menos un tercer paà ­s por el que hayan pasado previamente y dicha solicitud fue rechazada. A este respecto, Estados Unidos ha firmado acuerdos de tercer paà ­s con Guatemala y El Salvador de tal manera que los migrantes que camino de EE.UU. pasen por uno de esos dos paà ­ses, deberà ¡n solicitar allà ­ asilo. Por otro lado, aunque no existe un acuerdo expreso de este tipo entre EE.UU. y Mà ©xico, este à ºltimo paà ­s està ¡ dificultando en su territorio el trà ¡nsito de migrantes de otros paà ­ses que se proponen alcanzar la frontera con Estados Unidos. Y, en segundo lugar, se aceptarà ¡ para su tramitacià ³n –que no quiere decir aprobacià ³n– la solicitud de migrantes que, aunque no han pedido asilo en un tercer paà ­s, pueden probar que han sido và ­ctimas de una forma severa de trà ¡fico humano. Esta nueva polà ­tica afecta los migrantes de todas las nacionalidades que se presentan en la frontera terrestre sur de EE.UU y solicitan asilo, excepto mexicanos, que son vecinos geogrà ¡ficamente y, por lo tanto, no estar obligados a pedir asilo previamente en un tercer paà ­s. Sin embargo, sà ­ que afecta a los mexicanos que se presentan en una frontera marà ­tima. Por ejemplo, un salvadoreà ±o que sale de su paà ­s por và ­a terrestre con el fin de llegar a EE.UU. està ¡ obligado a pedir asilo en Guatemala o Mà ©xico antes que en EE.UU. ya que en la frontera estadounidense solo se aceptarà ¡ su solicitud si: se cumplen los requisitos para el asilopuede demostrar que aplicà ³ en al menos un paà ­s por el que transità ³ y su aplicacià ³n no ha sido aceptada. Si eso no es asà ­, el oficial de migracià ³n de EE.UU. no aceptarà ¡ una aplicacià ³n de asilo en la frontera estadounidense. Ademà ¡s, las personas que ya se encuentran en EE.UU. podrà ¡n solicitar asilo antes de que pase un aà ±o a contar desde el dà ­a de la à ºltima entrada al paà ­s. Sin embargo, existen excepciones a esta à ºltima regla. Por ejemplo, si una persona ha entrado hace mà ¡s de 365 dà ­as y en su paà ­s de origen se produce un cambio de rà ©gimen que lo pone en peligro si regresa, puede entonces solicitar el asilo. Son lo que se llama circunstancias excepcionales o cambiantes. Obligacià ³n de esperar en Mà ©xico Una de las novedades en materia migratoria impuestas por el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump es el Programa de Protocolo de Proteccià ³n al Migrante, conocido por sus iniciales MPP o por Permanecer en Mà ©xico. Segà ºn este programa que comenzà ³ a implementarse en enero de 2019 en el Puerto de Entrada de San Ysidro y se ha extendido a otros puntos de a frontera sur, los solicitantes de asilo en la frontera que no pasan la entrevista de miedo creà ­ble efectuada en persona, por telà ©fono o videoconferencia con un oficial de USCIS, son puestos en un procedimiento de remocià ³n y deben esperar en Mà ©xico mientras esperan su caso. Estas personas reciben una carta en la que se le notifica quà © dà ­a deben presentarse en la entrada del paso migratorio a EE.UU. para ser escoltados por oficiales de ICE a corte migratoria, para la audiencia preliminar master calendar de su procedimiento. Ante esa Corte es donde deben luchar para ganar su caso de asilo. Tipos de solicitud de asilo   Hay dos posibles caminos para pedir asilo: el afirmativo, que decide el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a, (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y el defensivo, que se tiene lugar en corte judicial. Proceso afirmativo de asilo ante USCIS Como regla general, debe esperarse un proceso largo en el que deben llenarse formularios y presentar un buen argumento de las razones para que el asilo sea aprobado. El  formulario I-589 es el que se utiliza para solicitar el asilo.  Una vez que se pone en marcha el proceso se recibirà ¡ una carta del USCIS notificando la apertura del caso y su identificacià ³n con un nombre. El solicitante de asilo recibirà ¡ mà ¡s tarde una carta para presentarse en un Centro de Apoyo a Aplicaciones para sacar las huellas digitales y otros datos biomà ©tricos. Si la persona que solicita el asilo incluye en su peticià ³n a su cà ³nyuge y/o hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os y estos està ¡n en USA, deberà ¡n tambià ©n presentarse para esa cita. Posteriormente, el solicitante de asilo recibirà ¡ una carta en la que se fija el dà ­a y el lugar para una entrevista con un oficial del USCIS. Es muy conveniente ir acompaà ±ado de un abogado y preparar la entrevista de tal manera que todo lo que se conteste guarde consistencia con lo que se afirmà ³ en la carta de solicitud de asilo. Ademà ¡s, si està ¡n en USA el cà ³nyuge y/o hijos para los que se pide un asilo derivado, tambià ©n deben presentarse. Por à ºltimo, llevar testigos, si los hay y pueden ayudar al caso y toda la documentacià ³n que apoye el caso y sirva para identificarse, original y una copia traducida al inglà ©s. A continuacià ³n, el oficial que realiza la entrevista llega a una decisià ³n, que debe ser supervisada por su superior. En algunos casos habrà ¡ internamente dentro del USCIS otra revisià ³n, pero son casos excepcionales. Finalmente, USCIS comunica la decisià ³n, bien en persona al solicitante que debe presentarse de nuevo en una oficina del USCIS o bien por carta. Si el asilo es aprobado, se puede trabajar y permanecer en Estados Unidos, solicitar un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social, sacar la licencia de manejar, y se podrà ­a tener derecho a ciertos beneficios sociales.   Sin embargo, la peticià ³n puede ser denegada por cualquiera de las siguientes causas: No se reà ºnen las condiciones para ser considerado asilado por no probar miedo creà ­ble. Ademà ¡s, porque se ha cometido cierto tipo de delitos graves o se es considerado un peligro a la seguridad nacional, como por ejemplo formar parte de pandillas. Asimismo, es causa de negacià ³n el haber estado asentado de manera firme en un tercer paà ­s antes de venir a los Estados Unidos Tambià ©n puede negarse por no cumplirse con los requisitos de plazos –1 aà ±o desde la à ºltima llegada al paà ­s para solicitar–, o porque previamente ya una corte lo habà ­a denegado y no hay cambios excepcionales. Si la solicitud de asilo es negada y el solicitante carece de estatus migratorio legal el USCIS lo envà ­a ante el sistema de Cortes de Inmigracià ³n donde se abre un proceso de deportacià ³n (removal proceedings) y se analizarà ¡ de nuevo si tiene derecho al asilo, en lo que se conoce como procedimiento defensivo. Proceso defensivo los requisitos para asilo ante corte En el proceso defensivo de la solicitud de asilo el solicitante tiene abierto en su contra un procedimiento de deportacià ³n ordinario o de expulsià ³n inmediata  (removal proceedings). Esto sucede en varios casos. Por ejemplo: Cuando el USCIS deniega una peticià ³n de asilo (tipo afirmativo) a una persona que no tiene estatus legal. Asimismo, cuando una persona indocumentada es detenida o es  agarrada intentando ingresar ilegalmente la frontera y  en ese momento solicita asilo. Ademà ¡s, cuando una persona realiza una solicitud de asilo al llegar a un puerto de ingreso a EE.UU. y, despuà ©s de una entrevista con un oficial de USCIS, este determina que no ha pasado satisfactoriamente la entrevista de miedo creà ­ble. El juez puede conceder la peticià ³n de asilo o denegarla. En este à ºltimo caso, la decisià ³n se puede apelar. Si la solicitud se considera que fue frà ­vola, la persona que la presentà ³ no podrà ¡ regresar a EE.UU. siguiendo un conducto legal. Si se agota la apelacià ³n sin que el asilo se conceda, el extranjero debe abandonar Estados Unidos, a menos que pueda conseguir algà ºn tipo de proteccià ³n, como un withholding of removal tambià ©n conocida como suspensià ³n de la orden de deportacià ³n o una proteccià ³n bajo el acuerdo contra la tortura (CAT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Asilo para los familiares inmediatos   El esposo o la mujer y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de una persona a la que se le aprueba la peticià ³n de asilo pueden tambià ©n beneficiarse de ese mismo estatus, tanto si ya està ¡n en ese momento en Estados Unidos como si està ¡n en otro paà ­s. En ambos casos lo que tiene que hacer la persona que gana el asilo es llenar una aplicacià ³n I-730 (following-to-join) por cada uno de los miembros de su familia que reà ºnen esas condiciones. Tiene dos aà ±os para hacerlo y el plazo comienza a contar desde el dà ­a en que se le aprobà ³ la solicitud. Ademà ¡s, la relacià ³n ya tiene que existir en el momento en que se aprueba la solicitud de asilo. Por ejemplo, en el caso de matrimonio, tiene que ser anterior. Cabe destacar que segà ºn las leyes federales de los Estados Unidos pueden obtener beneficios migratorios por razà ³n de matrimonio tanto los matrimonios entre un hombre y una mujer como los de gays y lesbianas. Cà ³mo conseguir un permiso de trabajo Por lo general, mientras se tramita la solicitud de asilo en Estados Unidos no se tiene permiso de trabajo. Sin embargo, puede solicitarse si han pasado mà ¡s de 150 dà ­as desde que se realizà ³ la solicitud y no ha habido una resolucià ³n del caso. Pero lo fundamental es entender cà ³mo se computan esos dà ­as. En la prà ¡ctica el permiso de trabajo puede tardar mucho mà ¡s. Si el USCIS concede la solicitud, tramitarà ¡ directamente la autorizacià ³n (EAD, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Si el asilo lo concede un juez de inmigracià ³n o una corte de apelaciones entonces se podrà ¡ solicitar el EAD al USCIS. Si se tienen dudas de cà ³mo hacerlo, se puede solicitar una cita con el servicio de inmigracià ³n a travà ©s de Info Pass. En todo caso en el momento en el que a una persona se le concede el estatus de asilado esa persona adquiere el derecho a trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos. Es decir, el EAD no es necesario, pero puede pedirse para utilizarlo como un I.D. Beneficios sociales Mientras se tramita el asilo algunos estados consideran a los solicitantes como PRUCOL. En estos casos tienen derechos a algunos beneficios sociales si reà ºnen los requisitos.   Cà ³mo obtener la green card Las personas a las que se le ha reconocido el estatus de asilados pueden solicitar un ajuste de estatus y la correspondiente tarjeta de residencia, conocida como green card. Para ello deben cumplir con una serie de requisitos como haber residido fà ­sicamente en Estados Unidos por al menos un aà ±o, seguir sufriendo la condicià ³n que lo ha convertido en asilado y cumplir con los requisitos necesarios para convertirse en emigrante legal en Estados Unidos. A los cuatro aà ±os de la fecha de obtencià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n. Viajar al extranjero mientras como asilado Se recomienda solicitar unos 60 dà ­as antes de viajar un documento para viajar rellenando el formulario I-131, que es và ¡lido por un aà ±o. Se puede salir de Estados Unidos sin esperar por la entrega del documento. Se puede solicitar que envà ­e a una oficina consular y recogerlo allà ­. En cuanto a viajar al paà ­s de origen, es algo que se puede hacer, pero con prudencia, ya que Estados Unidos puede considerar que hubo un fraude en la solicitud de asilo o que las circunstancias que motivaron su peticià ³n ya no existen y, por lo tanto, ya no cumple las condiciones para ser considerado un asilado. Estadà ­sticas latinoamericanos y asilo en EE.UU. No hay cifras oficiales del nà ºmero total de casos de asilo aprobados. Sin embargo, sà ­ hay datos parciales que se obtienen a partir de las decisiones dictadas por cortes de inmigracià ³n. Està ¡n excluidos de dichos datos las resoluciones sobre asilo acordadas por oficiales de USCIS. Segà ºn Syracuse University, en el aà ±o fiscal 2018, las cortes migratorias de EE.UU. decidieron un total de 42.228 casos de asilo, de los cuales negaron la solicitud un 65 por ciento de las veces. En otras palabras, las cortes solo aprobaron el 35 por ciento de los casos. En cuanto a los solicitante de origen latinoamericano, las cortes decidieron sobre un total de 8.232 casos en los que los solicitantes procedà ­an de El Salvador, aprobando el 23,5 por ciento de los mismos, es decir, 1.935 salvadoreà ±os obtuvieron el asilo en corte. Se resolvieron 6.240 casos afectando a hondureà ±os, aprobà ¡ndose el 21,2 por ciento de los mismos, es decir, 1.323. Se decidieron 6.052 casos de guatemaltecos, aprobà ¡ndose el 18,8 por ciento de los mismos, lo cual supone 1.138 casos ganados. Y se resolvieron 5.379 casos de mexicanos, aprobà ¡ndose el 14,5 por ciento, es decir 780. Cabe destacar que en algunos casos en los que se negà ³ el asilo, se autorizà ³ a permanecer en Estados Unidos aplicando alguna forma de alivio a la deportacià ³n, especialmente en el caso de ciudadanos de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras. Asimismo, resaltar que aunque no se cuenta con datos oficiales, se estima que USCIS aprueba un nà ºmero destacable de solicitudes de asilo presentadas por menores procedentes de esos tres paà ­ses de Centroamà ©rica. Los datos de aprobacià ³n y negacià ³n de solicitudes de asilo por pueden consultarse por nacionalidad del solicitante y corte en una herramienta creada por la Universidad de Syracuse. Asilo polà ­tico en EE.UU. Para solicitar y obtener el asilo polà ­tico en EE.UU. es necesario persecucià ³n pasada o miedo creà ­ble de ser perseguido si se regresa al paà ­s de origen por razà ³n de raza, nacionalidad, religià ³n, opinià ³n polà ­tica o membresà ­a en un determinado grupo.El asilo polà ­tico debe solicitarse en la frontera de EE.UU. o, en determinadas circunstancias especiales, estando ya presente en el interior del paà ­s. Una nueva polà ­tica del presidente Trump obliga a los migrantes que llegan a la frontera terrestre de Mà ©xico con EE.UU. a demostrar que han solicitado asilo en al menos un tercer paà ­s antes de aceptar su solicitud de asilo. Las à ºnicas nacionalidades excluidas son los mexicanos y los canadienses, por razones geogrà ¡ficas.El asilo polà ­tico puede ser afirmativo, ante el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a, o defensivo, ante Corte migratoria.En caso de obtener el asilo, los familiares inmediatos podrà ¡n tambià ©n beneficiase.La obtencià ³ n del asilo es un trampolà ­n hacia la tarjeta de residencia y, si se desea, hacia la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n. Este artà ­culo es solo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Is Delphis LeftStr Function

Declaration:  function  LeftStr(const  AString: AnsiString;  const  Count: Integer): AnsiString;overload;  function  LeftStr(const  AString: WideString;  const  Count: Integer): WideString;  overload; Description Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. AString represents a string expression from which the leftmost characters are returned. Count indicates how many characters to return. If 0, a zero-length string () is returned. If greater than or equal to the number of characters in AString, the entire string is returned. Example var s : string; s : ABOUT DELPHI PROGRAMMING; s : LeftStr(s,5); // s ABOUT

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Ways in Which Television Corrupts American Society

When the first television was first successfully shown, people thought that this invention brought people to a new age, and that the television was a huge benefit to humanity. Unfortunately, since then the Golden Era of televisions moral and standards have fallen drastically. We are far away from the days when Lassie and the town of Mayberry ruled the airways and were the talk of America. What was once intended as a benefit for society has become its detrimental fall, now instead of upholding American societys standards, television is working to corrupt the very society it intended to help. When used on television programs that children watch, vulgar vernacular degrade societys standards; children use the words without thinking about†¦show more content†¦This senseless use of violence desensitizes children to the use of violence, which then causes them to respond to situations with a negative or violent action that results in adverse consequences. Two new series, Human Targe t and Spartacus depict violence as the only way to solve problems in life, because both programs depict fighting as a lifestyle that can be glorious. Another infamous example would be the series 24 which often has scenes of â€Å"gruesome violence and torture which is consider controversial† (Johnson). What are children supposed to learn from a show that allows the portrayed, Secretary of Defense, to torture his son to uncover evidence of a plot of terrorism? With this desensitization, young minds see violence as the solution to real life problems, not only destroying and wasting our community when they are put in jail for consequences of violence, but destroys the basic foundation of American societys morals. Yet, another thing about the media of television that has changed in the decades that it has been around is the promotion of sexuality and promiscuity. When television was till relatively young, sex was a taboo that was not to be talked about, touched on, or showing. Married couples had to be shown to have â€Å"separate beds to sleep in† (Sipe). Now, immorality has been shown in prime time slot with shows like Beverly Hills 90210, Spartacus, and especiallyShow MoreRelatedEssay on We Are Big Brothers Reality Television Star1445 Words   |  6 PagesToday, the American people are obsessed with reality television. Television shows such as, So You Think You Can Dance and The Bachelorette are just two examples of the fifteen reality or unscripted shows that placed on the Top 20 Highest Rated Television Programs in 2010 (Carter). What Americans fail to realize is they too are the stars of their own reality television show. 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What Does Trump s 6 Point Health Care Plan Actually Mean...

What Does Trump’s 6 Point Health Care Plan Actually Mean for the Industry? Healthcare Reform President Elect, Donald Trump, posted an updated transition plan for his Healthcare Reform on the website The website outlines his concerns with the Affordable Care Act (ACA); going on to describe rapidly rising premiums and deductibles along with shrinking networks and health insurance. â€Å"A Trump Administration will work with Congress to repeal the ACA and replace it with a solution that includes Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and returns the historic role in regulating health insurance to the States† It reads. â€Å"The Administration’s goal will be to create a patient-centered healthcare system that promotes choice, quality and affordability of health insurance and healthcare, and take any needed action to alleviate the burdens imposed on American families and businesses by the law.† The post outlines six main bullets that Trump plans focus on during his reform. Healthcare was a significant point of disagreement throughout the election, and even now, the industry is filled with uncertainty for the future. What have we seen so far? In reality, we won’t be able to see the true effects of the election until after implementation of the policies, most likely in early 2018. What we have been able to see are the initial reactions of Trump’s people and groups. After a recent post-election poll, which indicated healthcare is the most important aspect for Trump in hisShow MoreRelatedIdentifying Venture Opportunities6340 Words   |  26 PagesCASE: E-323 DATE: 11/18/08 IDENTIFYING VENTURE OPPORTUNITIES I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others... 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As with all BM mark schemes, the solutions in this Answer Book should be used with caution and flexibility. Students who take an alternative approach to the suggested solutions should still be credited where appropriate; teachers should use theirRead MoreCoffee and Crisis Management Team21317 Words   |  86 PagesCase - Part I Dr. Phillip G. 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August 2010 CSR COMMUNICATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Josà © Javier Levrino Table of contents Abstract 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Problem statement 1.3 Delimitation 1.4 Methodology 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 Scientific paradigm: hermeneuticsRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesmoral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above shouldRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 PagesGlobal Forces and the European Brewing Industry, tests a reader’s understanding of the main issues inï ¬â€šuencing the competitive position of a number o f organisations in the same industry with a relatively short case. For a case that permits a more comprehensive industry analysis The Pharmaceutical Industry could be used. However, if the purpose is more focused – illustrating the use of ‘ï ¬ ve forces’ analysis – the TUI case study or Illustration 2.3 on The Steel Industry could be used. Some cases are writtenRead MoreCustomer Satisfaction - Framework9815 Words   |  40 PagesQUALITY AND ACCESS TO SERVICES AND SUPPORTS IN VULNERABLE NEIGHBORHOODS February 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 7 II. What will a Customer Satisfaction Framework Offer ........................... 9 A. A Hypothetical Example — Application to Public Human Services ......................... 9 B. A Hypothetical Example of an Engaged and Informed Resident Consumer Strategy

Vigan City free essay sample

Vigan is an island, which used to be detached from the mainland by three rivers the great Abra River, the Mestizo River and the Govantes River. It is unique among the Philippine towns because it is the country’s most extensive and only surviving historic city that dates back to the 15th century Spanish colonial period. Vigan was an important coastal trading post in precolonial times. Long before the Spanish galleons, Chinese junks sailing from the South China Sea came to Isla de Bigan through the Mestizo River that surrounded the island. On board were sea-faring merchants that came to barter exotic goods from Asian kingdoms in exchange for gold, beeswax and other mountain products brought down by natives from the Cordilleras. Immigrants, mostly Chinese, settled in Vigan, intermarried with the natives and started the multi-cultural bloodline of the Biguenos. In the book, The Philippine Island, Vol. III, p. 76, Blair and Robertson, two letters of Governor General Guido de Lavezares to King Philip II of Spain mentions: â€Å"It seemed best to send Captain Juan de Salcedo with 70 or 80 soldiers to people the coast of Los Ilocano on the shores of the river called Bigan. We will write a custom essay sample on Vigan City or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † Salcedo then sailed from Manila on May 20, 1572 and arrived in Vigan on June 12, 1572. Thus, after the successful expedition and exploration of the North, Don Juan de Salcedo founded â€Å"Villa Fernandina de Vigan† in honor of King Philip II’s son, Prince Ferdinand who died at the tender age of four. From Vigan, Salcedo rounded the tip of Luzon and proceeded to pacify Camarines, Albay, and Catanduanes. As a reward for his services to the King, Salcedo was awarded the old province of Ylocos which then composed of the Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Abra, La Union and some part of Mountain Province as his Encomienda and was accorded the title as Justicia Mayor de esta Provincia de Ylocos. In January 1574, Salcedo returned to the capital of his Encomienda, Vigan, bringing with him some Augustian Missionaries to pioneer the evangelization of Ylocos and established a Spanish city, for the purpose of controlling the neighboring country. Governor General Gomez Perez Darmarinas, in his Account of Encomienda dated in Manila on May 31, 1591 states: â€Å"The town of Vigan called Villa Fernandina has five or six Spanish citizens with one priest, a Justice, one Alcalde Mayor (Governor) and a Deputy. The King collects 800 tributes (equivalent to 3,200 subjects). During this period, the old Vigan was composed of 19 barrios. In 1645-1660, Vigan was already divided into 21 Cavezas de Barangay as mentioned in the â€Å"Libro de Casamiento†, the oldest records of the parish house of Vigan found in its Archives. Separated from the naturales, the Chinese have their own place of settlement called pariancillo, â€Å"Los Sangleyes del parian† and the Spaniards were residents in a villa called â€Å"Los Espanoles de la Villa†. How Vigan got its name is told from an anecdote carried by the tongue of generations, which tells of a Spaniard walking along the banks of the Mestizo River. There, he met a native of the place and stopped to inquire: â€Å"Como se Ilama usted de esta lugar? Not understanding a word of Spanish, the native scratched his head and upon seeing that the Spaniard was pointing to a plant, exclaimed in Ilocano: â€Å"Bigaa Apo†. Bigaa being Alcasia Macroniza, a giant Taro plant belonging to the Gabi family which used to thrive at the bank of the Mestizo River. From the name of the plant – Bigaa, whence Vigan derived its name. The area of Vigan was originally a settlement of traders coming from the  Fujian  Province,  China.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Title of the Paper (1567 words) Essay Example For Students

Title of the Paper (1567 words) Essay Title of the Paper (Critical Thinking Essay: Final Essay) Submitted By (Kadeejah Johnson, ) Number and Name of Course (Introduction to Political Science HistGov 130) Class Meeting Time/Day (T/T: 11:00 A.M. 12:20 P.M.) Professor (Dr. Carmen Walker) Semester (Spring 2017) Todays Date (Thursday May 2, 2017) Bowie State University Department of History and Government Bowie, MarylandThe most important social issue affecting the United States children and students in the year 2017 is education. The issues that are affecting Education are class sizes in urban area schools, the No Child Left Behind Act, student health and government funding. These issues have been major characteristics of failure in both students and teachers, because the students are not getting the attention they need due to classes being too big. The teachers are not able to teach the students the fundamental values, and important subjects that they need because of the no child left behind act, limiting teachers to teac hing for standardized test. Both students and teachers are affected by the limited funding, and the students health due to ineffective lunch programs. Most importantly these factors need a solution, these teachers and students need funding, they need the fundamental education that was once given to my generation prior to 2002. Education is the basis for all citizens to achieve in life, and to invest in their American Dream. To be educated is to be given the necessary values and materials needed to be modeled citizens. The classroom sizes are a major issue facing students in public schools. For example, public schools in Georgia faced a huge budget cut and caused schools to be closed (Background on Education.2016). The class sizes at a local elementary school had gone from 16 to 27. The most difficult task was teachers being able to compensate for all the new students that had entered the classroom. A more local and recent incident was in Fairfax County Virginia where faculty, are lo oking to propose increasing classroom sizes during significant budget cuts. The funding issue has caused schools along the East Coast to create an initiative to ensure that class sizes matter. There has been studys indicating that minorities appear to benefit from smaller classroom sizes the most. In cases, such as these, the government has two options in dealing with the full class sizes. Liberals and other party leaders should advocate for smaller class sizes, and or building more schools. Generally, this does imply opposition to funding private schools. The building of more schools is a huge budget situation, that most federal government can assist in is building more classrooms in schools that have unused space. The second issue facing Education is the No Child Behind Act which was set in place by President W Bush in 2002, to help assist students with national test. There are many reasons why this is a problem with education because it only allows teachers to educate their stude nts based on the next State and or National test. Many teachers and parents see this as a detriment to public education environment (Koenig, Larry.2016). The Obama Administration worked on reform NCLB policies, however the focus of education on both National and State level continues to be on the testing process. The government has taken the fundamental importance of education away from both teachers and students, and have created competition among them. If the students do not perform well on the test, they are placed into this pool and are judge based on how they perform. For teachers, there is this quota that they must meet to receive funding for projects and programs (Jones, Maurice,2016). Student test scores are now being used by several states to evaluate teacher performance, which ultimately puts pressure on faculty to remediate those who do as well. The government can simply assistance by implementing a new bill in terms of riding the system of standardized test, and more so replacing it with what teachers across the country feel is appropriate. There also should be more involvement from the National Education Association in regards to assisting teachers with training and the tools they need to make and produce great students. Student health is a leading factor in why they are not performing as the State or District expects. The problem that is so prominent is, obesity which has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. The same poor eating habits that led to the obesity problem may have led to the obesity problem, which also may be contributing to lower student achievement. It has increased a students risk for other conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure (Central Advisory Council for Education 2014). Such conditions result in higher absenteeism and more academic issues. This is where the national school lunch movement Lets Move had been created to bring healthier options into school lunchrooms across the country. The Department o f Agriculture released guidelines in 2012 to increase the nutritional quality of the meals. There have been exercise programs set in place to promote more physical activity among students of all ages. There is still work that needs to be done to get students to be more active and given healthier options during lunch periods. Then there is what the government must do or should do to help this situation; which is simply to increase the amount of funding, and initiate another program where the food is not only healthy but taste and looks appetizing as well. The next step is to discover new ways that teachers can incorporate their individual snack time for those in K-3. These are important factors that should encourage schools and administration as well as the government to move with urgency, as well as effectiveness so that students are given what they will hopefully continue- their education. The final issue that is the reason Education has become an issue is the lack of funding. The most detrimental thing that any government can do is make budget cuts, and making one or more of those cuts to education. Budget cuts have created a massive problem for most public schools in recent years (Bruner, J. S. (2010). Less funding results in smaller staff, fewer resources, and a lower number of services for students. There is a laundry list of challenges that are continuously occurring in schools, for example when cuts were made to field trips and other small programs such as after school programs, teachers and staff began to question what was more important to the government that they cut after school programs? That is a question that both future educators and educators today are questioning. The government can assist in these areas by identifying the worth in education, and why there must be more money set in place for such reasons. For example, making the national budget for education at $12 million dollars per school district. If there are two schools or four in one co mmunity cluster; split the money four ways and have administration indicate how and when the money is issued to the schools. To restate, there are ways that the government can assist the issues of classroom sizes, the no child left behind act, student health and funding. Although the ways that have been mentioned in the government acting more intuitive to the educational system, these are just proposals. There are a lot of ways that the education system can be altered or funded, but it is simply the choice of the government to act upon those issues. Teachers as well as students are always changing, their needs are evolving, and the level of education is increasing in demands of Universities. Education is a very broad topic to discuss in terms of the issues that it will face soon. The best thing that those who are becoming educators must do, is to invest money into their students, because there are so many that have the protentional to become great modeled citizens, it is just as the proverb states, It takes a village to raise a child, it also takes the right resources and people to teach one. .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 , .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .postImageUrl , .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 , .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679:hover , .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679:visited , .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679:active { border:0!important; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679:active , .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679 .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udcb0dfec4f20d8dd95808d0671281679:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Autism Essay BibliographyReynolds, Glenn Harlan Northwestern University School of Law Chicago. Shapiro, T. Rees. Fairfax schools chief class for $96 million in budget cuts; proposal increases class sizes. The Washington Post, 10 Jan. 2014. Jones, Maurice. Education. Local Initiatives Support Corporation, May 2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2017. Block, J. and Robins, R. W. (2013), A Longitudinal Study of Consistency and Change in Self-Esteem from Early Adolescence to Early Adulthood. Child Development, 64: 909-923. Bruner, J. S. (2010). Toward a theory of instruction. Cambridge, Mass.: Belkapp Press. Central Advisory Council for Education (2014). Children and their Primary Schools the Plowden Report), London: HMSO. Dasen, P. (2014). Culture and cognitive development from a Piagetian perspective. In W.J. Lonner R.S. Malpass (Eds.), Psychology and culture. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Piaget, J. (2015). The growth of logical thinking from childhood to adolescence. AMC, 10, 12. Koenig, Larry. Smart Discipline: Fast, Lasting Solutions for Your Peace of Mind and Your Childs Self-Esteem. New York: Harper Resource, 2002. Background on Education. Background on Education. On the Issues, 9 Nov. 2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.